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Re: [MiNT] Missing clobbered register in gemlib

Am 18.12.2009, 22:13 Uhr, schrieb Vincent Rivière <vincent.riviere@freesbee.fr>:

I'm quite lost between different issues, versions and testcases.
Can this issue be tested from outside XaAES ?
A small GEM program, for example ?

Maybe I'll try one. But as it happens often, the testprog would work ..

Another possibility would be to provide extra-objects for the problematic functions. But this is only worth the effort, if there is a chance that gemlib is not perfect.

That other prog I mentioned that uses v_clswk (which works), is compiled by pure_c, and does not use gemlib.

The functions that are known to not work in XaAES+fvdi are vs_color and v_clswk. Using NVDI it's all ok.

The pixel-detection uses vs_color as well as restore-palette. Whether the latter is working you can see instantly on the screen, that's why I test this first.

As v_clswk() taks only one parameter, it is unlikely to be related to the clobbered registers problems, but who knows...

You never know!

GEM/assembler specialists should have a look at the following code from the GemLib:

I'll consult my book tomorrow. But my concern is about VDI, not AES.
