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Elvis on Mintnet

Elvis is alive! I saw him on Mintnet yesterday, and he caused me
a lot of trouble...

Now seriously,

Yesterday I finally found out why nameserver lookups didn't work
on my Mintnet Slip setup. It proved to be that Elvis (1.7) had put newline
characters (or was it carriage return... there were ^M characters which should
not have been there.) and Mintnet (0.8)/telnet (0.1) didn't like this.
This problem can probably be solved by removing the b character in
my UNIXMODE variable, but I don't want that because I want to send binary
data through pipes.
My question therefore is whether there is a way of telling Elvis not to use
CR/NL. Maybe there is a newer version of Elvis.

My second question is about Mintnet. I have the following line in my
/etc/hosts file: ' neutje neutje.cs.utwente.nl'
The /etc/host.conf tells Mintnet first to use /etc/hosts and then bind.
My /etc/resolv.conf contains nameserver entries for the nameservers of
the slip service and has 'nameserver' on the last line.
When I am NOT connected via slip, after 'telnet neutje' it says that it is
trying and then says 'network unreachable' which is exactly
what I expect.
But when I am connected (with dip) 'telnet neutje' gives the message that
it doesn't know a host named 'neutje'. This is not what I want.
Does anybody know what might be wrong in my setup, or is this normal

I would appreciate it a lot if somebody wants to help me with these problems.
