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Re: Elvis on Mintnet

> Elvis is alive! I saw him on Mintnet yesterday, and he caused me
> a lot of trouble...
> My question therefore is whether there is a way of telling Elvis not to use
> CR/NL. Maybe there is a newer version of Elvis.
Yes, put 'set nocrlf' in your elvis.rc in your home directory.

> My second question is about Mintnet. I have the following line in my
> /etc/hosts file: ' neutje neutje.cs.utwente.nl'
> The /etc/host.conf tells Mintnet first to use /etc/hosts and then bind.
> My /etc/resolv.conf contains nameserver entries for the nameservers of
> the slip service and has 'nameserver' on the last line.
> When I am NOT connected via slip, after 'telnet neutje' it says that it is
> trying and then says 'network unreachable' which is exactly
> what I expect.
> But when I am connected (with dip) 'telnet neutje' gives the message that
> it doesn't know a host named 'neutje'. This is not what I want.
> Does anybody know what might be wrong in my setup, or is this normal
> behaviour?

You're using an older telnet client without the newer resolver compiled
into it. Get the one from KGMD.