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Re: [MiNT] Strange getcwd() return value

On 10/17/13 07:55, Helmut Karlowski wrote:
Alan Hourihane, 16.10.2013 23:04:09:

I'm not sure but I think the very early MiNT-versions had all drives mapped under /dev, e.g. /dev/c for c:/. Maybe that's a remainder of that time.

Probably before drive U: came along.

How about adding them now? getcwd should not return something that does not exist.

It does as far as MiNTlib is concerned. I understand if you pass '/dev/x/..' to MiNTlib then it will convert to a sane path.

I'm not exactly sure what JFLs real problem is just yet though, so I'm waiting for an example and the return code of fopen() in his case.

You could also force a mint-domain-app to u: (could break GEMDOS-calls-using apps) or replace all /dev/d-input-paths in mintlib by d:/, but I'd prefer the above. I've never seen a device-name that consists of a single letter, or use upper-case.

I think that would probably break a few apps.
