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Re: [MiNT] Install script

On Sun, 24 Jul 2011 14:24:46 , Paul Wratt <paul.wratt@gmail.com> wrote:
> first a bug fix:
> aranym should be:
>  "ara")
>    echo Aranym
>    KERNEL=mintara.prg
>    XAAES=xaaes040.km
>  ;;

Thanks for that.

> most import (for aranym at least) is the correct drivers, as some
> devices will cause a crash
> I expect most other platforms dont use either hostfs.xfs or aranym.xfs
> here is the full list of drivers for aranym:
> aranym.xfs
> dsp56k.xdd
> dummy.xdd
> dummy.xfs
> ext2.xfs
> hostfs.xfs
> inet4.xdd
> lp.xdd
> minix.xfs
> nfeth.xif
> nfstderr.xdd
> nfs.xfs
> xconout2.xdd

The drivers bit is unfinished. As I said, my plan was to look at the currently
installed files and move the new ones into the install folder in /tmp.
Replicating the existing set-up.

> if your script is just for self build, drivers will not be an issue.
> when build folder structures are changed, only correct drivers should
> be present anyway
> ---------------
> second:
> for platform try something like:
> PLATFORM=`cat /kern/cookiejar ¦ grep _MCH`
> 50000 is for ARAnyM
> 30000 is for falcon with 030
> there should be specific one for FireBee too

Thanks, the Milan returns 0x5F4D4348 (_MCH): 0x00040000 so with that
and the CPU I can work out which bits to install. So the script only
needs the archive file name as a param now.

> maybe check toshy for complete list (I did see one somewhere in the
> last week or so)
> ---------------
> third:
> your script contains "install_1-17-$MON"
> you dont need " marks when setting your paths
> SRCF=$1
> TGTF=/tmp/$SRCF
> ROOTD=/c/mint
> COPYD=/tmp
> re-use variables you have already defined:
> tar -jvxf ~/$1 ==> tar -jvxf ~/$SRCF

My preference is to prevent long chains of Z=X,  X=F,  F=Y, Y=A
I just use the base value to define different things in one go,
it makes it easier for the reader.

> -------------
> some people use sh, instead of bash, so verify your scripting.
> ie anything for sh should work for bash
> I think both binaries are installed on EasyMiNT setups
> if you create a small zip containing correct binaries, you could run
> this script on machines without mint already installed, check easymint
> package for a sh.ttp, and it would make sense to add any other
> binaries that are platform specifc, ie clocky, fvdi, zmagxsnd, etc

This script was just for updating people existing installation from
the daily build files. It could grow though.

> I dont mind helping out with testing, but I only have ARAnyM/AFROS atm
> I'll have a look into getting a useful value _MCH cookie
> Cheers
> Paul

One thing I have noticed is that the Milan uses the same kernel no matter
what CPU it has while the other 040 and 060 machines get their own cpu build.



Attachment: mint_install
Description: Binary data