Am Sonntag, den 09.01.2011, 12:53 +0100 schrieb Vincent Rivière <>:
Oh, I remember that the Super() GEMDOS function has unusual (buggy ?) stack behaviour on plain TOS. As a result, the Super() binding found in the MiNTLib is unsafe on TOS, especially when used in optimized code. We will have to fix that.
Argh... I'm very unfamiliar with these Atari old-school debuggers, .. Devpac MON is hitting the fan when loading the ns.prg and adebug gives me an other error than the bombs tell me... (adebug: privilege escalation, tos bombs: illegal instruction ( 4 bombs)). Also, I don't know how to show something like an call stack with adebug,... :( ...and the manual is French...
Also, be sure that your program has a big enough stack size.
well, is it possible to use stack tool for that - even when running under TOS? I'm just asking,... because it could be that the stack tool just works when the app is used within an MINT environment...?
And check your USERDEFs.
as a first step, I would be lucky if the RSC menu shows up ;) But yes, I will check that when I'm taking the next step.
Greets, m