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Re: [MiNT] Keyboard handler

Am 24.04.2010, 02:01 Uhr, schrieb Konrad Kokoszkiewicz <draco@ibi.uw.edu.pl>:

By what or whom can this happen? v_clswk?

I've found nothing MiNT itself.

I don't think it's the v_clswk(). At least, N.AES also probably has a v_clswk() and I remember no problems with the keyboard under it.

That was the only thing that came in my mind, I don't believe it either. But it's not XaAES-replated, XaAES is just a good example to reproduce it. On a real TT it does not happen. I thought the Eiffel-users have the issue on plain-MiNT too?

But: maybe interrupts get disabled for a longer period of time, when XaAES is getting shutdown? An ACIA interrupt - caused by a keypress or release - would possibly not be caught then.

I'll look again for this. The same happens on XaAES startup BTW.

There are many places in MiNT code where spl(7) - or something like that - is done. Maybe one of that places causes a problem with receiving keyboard interrupts.

Yes I had this thought already, but there are so many spl-calls in MiNT that the bug should appear more often IMHO.

And I only press or release keys when the system is not busy - it just forgets that a key is down during XaAES start or shutdown and does not report the release.

But anyway this seems to be a promising approach: I can freeze keyboard-input in a shell on the TT, when I type (Control held down) while a file (~300KB) is copied from floppy. I can only kill that shell externally then. But the system stays sane and keyclick never goes away except during the file-operation.

When I'm lucky I will try to trace ikbd-calls from aranym.

Well, anyway, I guess I can't help - I simply forgot everything. it's been a long time.

Maybe you'll get yourself one of those Firebees ;)

Helmut Karlowski