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Re: [MiNT] XaAES: testdriver wanted

Am 11.12.2009, 16:19 Uhr, schrieb Paul Wratt <paul.wratt@gmail.com>:

When I used the mint040.prg it fails with only basic text on the

This does not run on aranym! Alan, have you received my bins for aranym and milan?

console at bootup, there is a line at the bottom beginning AT and the
some hex digits, I presume "attention" or some other failure notice at
a fundamental level. The failure is expected, it is not mintara.prg
(which I grabed from another part of Alans site).

You mean it doesn't also not run with mintara.prg?

When opening System, nothing happens, it freezes, and the only thing I
notice is when I reboot, there is a line beginning AT at the bottom of
the screen, as the last thing printed, but I can't read it because or
the reboot process, its too fast

Is the System linked to some change in the supplied mint kernels? this
might explain it...

It opens some files in /kern




What do they contain on your system?
