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Re: [MiNT] Some mintlib patches

10-20% is just your suggestion? I can't believe that some loop unrolling
or not make such a big difference.
It's hard to say, I can say for sure 10-20% in asm code with loop optimizations is very realistic but I have no idea how efficient gcc is, it was only assumption..

only need to compile the mintlib; all other libraries need to be
compiled in several special optimized version too; otherwise you have no
big win).
well, that's the case. maybe you noticed me and some other guys (Mark for example) would like to see complete 060 distro for ct60 falcons. I really don't like to use all software compiled for 68000 with no FPU. And when we are doing >68000, why not to use the possibility to target 060 instead of generic 020+ with emulated FPU stuff?

Really like to see some concrete numbers about the speed advantage ...
question is not only how to measure but also what to measure...  math stuff? compression?

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes