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Re: [MiNT] fVDI and ARAnyM (was: Re: Shutdown() discussion)

On Wed, 2003-12-17 at 10:58, Konrad Kokoszkiewicz wrote:
> Well, not "call", but "pass down".

If I had time I would go through those 25 messages we exchanged with
Johan about the fVDI and console last year and I am sure I would find an
answer to this question.

My pure guess is that if fVDI really installs bconout redirect then it
would make sense to activate this redirect only after the AES opened the
workstation. But I am too busy now to look into the source code of fVDI
and to find out if I am right or wrong, sorry.

BTW, I have just noticed that http://www.klockars.net/ is down so we
don't have the last (latest) fVDI beta source code available at all, not
to mention the CVS.
