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Re: [MiNT] Shutdown() discussion

> [TOS]
> RedirConsole = Yes
> This setting redirect's TOS console output to the host (the terminal
> window in linux - not sure where it's printed on MSWindows). Makes
> sense only if you run aranym in a window - for fullscreen this is of no
> help.

This is of a help, because at least lets you read all the messages produced.
Thanks for pointing this out.

> Also note that the FreeMiNT re-enables the console output too late for
> its boot menu. So if you hold the Shift down there is just blank white
> screen.
> Not sure what else to say. We'd need to know what MiNT changes that
> the console is re-enabled and then perhaps do just that in the FVDI
> itself.

Well, I suspect that the "re-enabling" occurs when MiNT has setup its own
console device and switches to it when printing messages. Boot menu and such
stuff are yet printed by TOS (because it occurs in various stages of
initialization or - as boot menu - completely before it).

Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz, http://draco.atari.org

** Ea natura multitudinis est, aut seruit humiliter, aut superbe dominatur.
** Taka to już natura pospólstwa, albo służalczo się płaszczy,
** albo bezczelnie się panoszy. (T. Liuius XXIV, 25).