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Re: [MiNT] Shutdown() discussion

V So, 13. 12. 2003 v 07:54, Konrad Kokoszkiewicz píše:
> And now I'd want you carefully read what I now am gonna write.

OK. You are correct in all 4 points.

> I hope that this is now explained enough. I think you (or anyone) can easily
> reproduce the symptoms on your side

My fault was that instead of giving it a try in ARAnyM I was just
sitting in my email client and writing you that you're wrong. My fault.
Sorry. I'll try to write less email and run more tests.

> Auto folder: XBOOT, FASTRAM.PRG, FVDI.PRG (58664 bytes), the rest does not
> matter (it is the same without).

First, a little workaround:

RedirConsole = Yes

This setting redirect's TOS console output to the host (the terminal
window in linux - not sure where it's printed on MSWindows). Makes sense
only if you run aranym in a window - for fullscreen this is of no help.

And now for the real thing:

My FVDI.PRG was 53716 bytes long, dated 2002/12/29, and the screen
output worked OK all the time. Resolution change occured after AES
starts (as we would expect) and before that the console output was

I looked into latest AFROS and found FVDI.PRG (58664 bytes, 2003/04/06)
and so replaced my older FVDI with this one in my regular MiNT setup.
The console output was OK again.

The last thing that we had different was the MiNT itself - I had
1.15.10BETA (compiled 2000/10/28) so I went ahead and took the latest
1.16alpha from AFROS and put it in my MiNT setup.

The console output was still OK but then I noticed that I only see the
output before FVDI starts (that is just the Clocky boot message) and
then after MiNT starts. But nothing between these two moments. 
See http://joy.sophics.cz/fvdi/

Then I tried to start the BCONOUT.PRG after FVDI.PRG but that just
disabled the console output altogether and I had to watch a white screen
for several seconds (minixfs check, rc scripts etc).

I also downgraded FVDI and MINT just to notice that the FVDI really
blocks the console output for a little while (until the MINT starts).
But I didn't find any solution.

So it seems that FreeMiNT can somehow re-enable the console output (that
is really blocked right after FVDI is started). And also it seems that
BCONOUT does not help it and actually blocks the console output until
AES starts. 

Also note that the FreeMiNT re-enables the console output too late for
its boot menu. So if you hold the Shift down there is just blank white

Not sure what else to say. We'd need to know what MiNT changes that the
console is re-enabled and then perhaps do just that in the FVDI itself.
