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Re: MiNT security holes?

> |> I'd like to know what are the known MiNT specific security holes.
> |> When running MiNT with memory protection on (can't test this because
> |> I got only STfm), can user start a non-setuid root program with `super'
> |> memory access priviledges (ie. program would be able to write all over
> |> memory)?
> Everyone can call Super() or Supexec(), thus everyone can access
> supervisor-only memory.  This is independent of memory protection.  IIRC,
> there was some time a discussion whether Super or Supexec should be
> root-only, but that would break almost all programs.

Ehh, no... Supexec() and Super() can be root only, because programs using
these functions mostly run in GEM, GEM is a root and can be started only
by the root, so everything is OK. If a TOS/TTP program uses these
functions, it can be always started under MINIWIN or TOSWIN (from GEM).

I think such a limitation could be reasonable.

Konrad M.Kokoszkiewicz


*** Ea natura multitudinis est,
*** aut servit humiliter, aut superbe dominatur.
*** U pospolstwa normalne jest, ze albo sluzy ono
*** unizenie, albo bezczelnie sie panoszy.
                                           (Liv. XXIV, 25)