[Freemint-list] Githib trunk build

Peter Slegg p.slegg at scubadivers.co.uk
Sun May 7 14:26:17 MSD 2017

On Sun, 7 May 2017 12:29:34 , Miro Kropá?ek wrote:
> >
> > When mint can't start it drops into MIS.
> >
> I don't understand. So did the  "\mint\1-19-f1c" path help or not? If not,
> can you set the "step by step" option and pinpoint the exact moment when it
> goes wrong?

 I haven't tried that yet.

> Is there any benefit from going to the Mint boot menu first
> > with an added MIS option ?
> I don't understand. You get to the shell if the boot process fails, how
> would you like to detect that before actually trying to boot?

I assume mint.prg has run but it couldn't find init so it dropped into

I couldn't fix the issue from there. So MIS didn't help.
Without mint.cnf it had no sym links to /bin /etc... and it wouldn't let me
create them for some reason (error -33)  You can't cat anything either.

It made it difficult to see what the problem was.

I tried mint 1-18 and 1-17 but the mint.cnf was configured for i: and not
h: so that didn't help much.

Luckily, from TOS I was able to remove the latest mintmil.prg and replace
it with the previous trunk.
> Maybe it could be set-up to allow a different boot folder to be chosen ?
> >
> It has been discussed short time ago, if Alan gives his blessing to move
> part of the init code to mint loader, then yes, it's possible:
> https://github.com/freemint/freemint/issues/33

I was trying to see a way to make Mint more recoverable when
it gets into this sort of situation where the boot config is wrong.


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