[Freemint-list] Githib trunk build

Miro Kropáček miro.kropacek at gmail.com
Sun May 7 06:29:34 MSD 2017

> When mint can't start it drops into MIS.
I don't understand. So did the  "\mint\1-19-f1c" path help or not? If not,
can you set the "step by step" option and pinpoint the exact moment when it
goes wrong?

Is there any benefit from going to the Mint boot menu first
> with an added MIS option ?
I don't understand. You get to the shell if the boot process fails, how
would you like to detect that before actually trying to boot?

Maybe it could be set-up to allow a different boot folder to be chosen ?
It has been discussed short time ago, if Alan gives his blessing to move
part of the init code to mint loader, then yes, it's possible:

MiKRO / Mystic Bytes
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