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Re: [MiNT] How program CWD can change during appl_init() call?

Eero Tamminen, 09.01.2013 14:29:31:

I've uploaded an aranym-debug-kernel here:


But that is my branch.

Under these, the lines in TosWin2 are staggered (as Vincent
mentioned in earlier mail thread).  With 1-17-0 release kernel,
the lines worked fine in TosWin2.  My TosWin2 version is the one
coming with 1-17-0 MiNT release.

Yes, that's because I changed the crlf-conversion in MiNT, forgot that. You'd need a patched toswin2 for this kernel:


The TosWin2 version coming with the trunk package just crashes on
startup, to NULL pointer access.  This happens both with your and
the trunk version of mintara.prg MiNT kernel.

Someone should check this. Are you on cygwin? Mine does not notice NULL pointer access (jit).
Be sure to have the right rsc- and cfg-files for toswin.

The issue happens also in the current build.

Where can I download the program? Maybe I can reproduce the issue.

Helmut Karlowski