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Re: [MiNT] Conholio & VT52?

Paul Wratt, 12.09.2012 04:39:38:

On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 1:07 AM, Eero Tamminen <oak@helsinkinet.fi> wrote:

Another issue I noticed in Bash coming with Aranym AFROS is that
using TAB (when Bash doesn't have completion) and then backspacing
works wrong.  But I guess that's an AFROS Bash issue, not Conholio

the bash on (current) AFROS is only really useful if you have a
complete set of binaries that allow full bash scripting. IE it is a
"thin" build

a "fat" build (with tab completion) is available here:

it may be form SpareMiNT, EasyMiNT, 3D ARAnyM HD images, cant remember
(lost originals and ref's too)

if there is no updated TosWin2 on afros-update (check cvs), then grab
the one that comes with MyAES

I've also made a (hopefully) improved toswin2-version (derived form 2.6):


It's faster and has fewer bugs. But I have little time to do more on this atm.

Hope it works with the current kernel.

Helmut Karlowski