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Re: [MiNT] GCC return register

Miro Kropáček wrote:
I said my opinion, the best fix is in my eyes completely forbid library

We have 2 solutions:

- Allow library mixing, by patching GCC, so all binary interfaces will be identical and interoperable. This means that 68020-60 functions will return floats into d0/d1.

- Forbid library mixing, best using Patrice's patch to make rules more hard. In that case having different interfaces for 68000 and 68020-60 is no more dangerous. But assembler sources must be aware of the differences.

No need to fix anything

No, we have to fix something for 68020-60 (GCC or libs).
The proof is that POV-Ray for 68020-60 currently does not work.
Again, I have identified all the places requiring patching.
The question is only to choose one solution or another.

Vincent Rivière