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Re: [MiNT] [ANNOUNCE] FreeMiNT 1.17.0 Released !

Dne 22.1.2011 11:31, Helmut Karlowski napsal(a):
Am 22.01.2011, 11:03 Uhr, schrieb Bohdan Milar <bohdan@milar.name>:

Yesterday I installed 1.17.0 as well (on my TT) to see the new XaAES in action (finishing the translation of it).

I am really surprised how much of good work was done on MiNT!

It works and it seems to be stable. EtherNec driver works with 1.17.0 fine.
fVDI (2006-12-07) works with it, too! (This allows to use the national

How did you install fVDI on a TT? Which graphics is this? Can I use it too?

Anyone can use it!
I have no graphics card in my TT, just the on-board VGA output.
The resolution (defined in NVRAM) is TT-middle (16 colours).

I use these files:

/c/auto/fvdi.prg = http://www.klockars.net/ftp/fVDI/fvdi.prg
(it is run as the last one from the auto directory)

/c/gemsys/bitplane.sys = http://www.klockars.net/ftp/fVDI/bitplane.sys

(bitmap fonts, listed in fvdi.sys incl. the system fonts - "s" at the beginning of line)

(vector fonts, I use the 3 DeJaVu fonts from AFROS)


I attache the fvdi.sys I use. You have just to change the names of bitmap fonts near the end of it.
For example you can use ISO-8859-1 fonts I have sent to this list on 2011-01-18 02:11 (originally from KGMD).

May be you will not be satisfied with the result.
There are some problems which I am going to describe in another mail.
But I have to use it because of the system font and the ability to run VDI dependent apps (HighWire etc.)
(NVDI is proprietary and dead!)


# fVDI configuration
# Last modified 000820

# ----- General setup -----

# This will turn on a few debug features in fVDI if uncommented.
# If something bombs, the information given at startup (this is before
# fVDI is running, so it will be on the normal Atari screen) using this,
# together with what for example ERR_RPRT.PRG shows, is very useful.
# Multiple 'debug' turns on more debug output.

# for vector fonts (from ARAnyM)
cookie nvdi=$0501
cookie speedo
vqgdos _FSM
fonts = c:\GEMSYS\TTF
filecache 1024

# This is the path to fonts and drivers.


# If fVDI isn't being started from the AUTO folder, comment out this one.

# Tell fVDI the size of your screen, in mm. Recommended!
# A negative number can be given to specify a fixed DPI.
# Defaults to the approximate size of the picture on an SM124.
width 180
height 210

# Specify the 'roundness' of circles/ellipses/arcs.
# The split number indicates how many lines will be drawn as a
# percentage of the largest ellipse radius. The min/max numbers
# make sure that not too few or too many lines are used.
# More lines will result in slower drawing.
# Defaults are as in the original VDI (the GPLed sources).
#arcsplit 25
#arcmin 8
#arcmax 256

# The number of internal memory blocks allocated.
# Defaults to two, and there should normally be no reason to change that.
#blocks 2

# The size of the internal memory blocks in kbyte.
# Defaults to ten, which should normally be enough.
#blocksize 10

# The size of the VDI call log in kbyte.
# Defaults to 4, but is neither allocated nor used without 'debug'.
logsize 100

# Uncomment this one to use the mouse routines from the old VDI.
# You'll also need to add the same switch to the driver configuration line.

# To test the boot code without actually rebooting the system, it can
# be useful to uncomment the following. With this enabled, no previous
# virtual workstations will be copied by fVDI. They will actually continue
# to be handled by the old VDI

# For testing purposes it can be useful to make fVDI available in
# parallel with the normal VDI. See the documentation for information.

# Uncomment this to force fVDI to make do with a single Trap #2 bending.
# Normally fVDI tries to move itself forward in the vector chains, but
# this might cause trouble together with some other TSR.

# Unless this is uncommented, fVDI tries to allocate memory as itself
# rather than the calling application under normal TOS.
# This option might possibly be useful if fVDI is launched before MiNT.

# If this is uncommented, fVDI will refrain from keeping a list of all
# allocated memory blocks. This option is useful if fVDI is launched
# before MiNT running with memory protection.

# Uncomment this to disable all the VDI vector functions (vex_).

# ----- Various fixes -----

# With this uncommented fVDI can use NVDI as a background VDI (for dealing
# with non-screen devices). Some strange problems still remain, though.

# Some programs look in the lineA variables for certain information.
# Uncomment this to make fVDI do a few more changes there.

# With this uncommented fVDI will make the XBIOS report the correct screen
# address even if using a graphics card. There are still problems with this.

# ----- Interactive setup -----

# Uncomment and change to write any text to the screen. Note the quotes!
#echo "Press a key!"

# Uncomment and change to set up a default key (reported if none is pressed).
# A device driver can ask for this value later on.
#setkey 2

# Uncomment and change to wait for a key (for a specified number of seconds).
# A device driver can ask for this value later on.
#waitkey 3

# Uncomment and change to specify a key for quitting fVDI immediately.
#exitkey q

# ----- Driver configuration -----

# Common driver initialization options (any driver can add to these):
# accelerate xxxxxx
#     Any soft- or hardware accelerations can be turned off using the
#     'accelerate xxxxxxx' option. For any 'x' that is replaced by a '-' or
#     a '0', the corresponding accelerated function will be turned off.
#     If this option isn't used, all acceleration will be on.
#     Acceleration possibilities (in order):
#        line expand fillpoly fill blit text mouse
# oldmouse
#     Well, this switch is actually needed here too.

# The standard software accelerated drivers all recognize
# shadow
#     Use a separate buffer of the screen in RAM. This is not useful
#     unless you have a really fast processor ('040) and RAM that can
#     be accessed much faster than the screen.

# The Eclipse/RageII driver recognizes
# mode n    ('n' can be replaced by 'key' (see above))
#     Sets default mode n. 0 is always 640x480x8@60.
#     Sets a mode as close to (but not higher) the given numbers as possible.
# doblit
#     Causes screen->RAM blits to be done.
#     When using 'pcibios' (see below) this will be relatively fast.
#     Without 'pcibios', it's _very_ slow.
# pcibios
#     Set things up to work under an Eclipse PCI BIOS.
#     You should normally use this.
# oldinit
#     Will force the initialization to be done as if 'pcibios' wasn't active.
#     Could help if there are initialization problems.
# imgcache
#     Tell fVDI to cache images (currently only icon (32x32) sized).
# screencache
#     Lets fVDI assume that the applications will only use data
#     blitted from the screen for direct repaint (a single one).
#     Will cause problems with some applications, but is very fast.
# onlysrc
#     Force all blits to D=S mode with the 32 bit driver.
#     The standard desktop currently can't display icons without this.
# realones
#     Don't special case all zero/one blit types in true colour mode.
#     Often better left inactive.
# bright
#     Makes the display somewhat brighter.
# 4mb
#     Tell fVDI to treat the card as a 4Mbyte one.
#     Only necessary without 'pcibios'.
# nosetmouse
#     Don't set the mouse position on return from drawing routines.
# nopalette
#     Force the DAC to bypass the hardware palette.
#     Should never be necessary.
# screen n
#     In case the internal old screen check is fooled somehow.
#     This is not needed if the fVDI ACC is installed.
# aesbuf n
#     Let fVDI know about the AES's background buffer.
#     This is not needed if the fVDI ACC is installed.

# fVDI should be able to deal with any standard fonts.
# Just list what you want to use below the driver definition.
# You specify a system font by adding an 's' before the font filename.
# If you don't specify a system font (done by adding an 's' before the
# font file name), fVDI will use the default one (from the ROM).
# It's a very good idea to have a system font in the same sizes as
# the normal GEM one, but it's not necessary.

echo ""
echo "fVDI 0.95b"
echo ""

01r bitplane.sys
#01r 1plane.sys
#01r 4plane.sys

#01r 1plane.sys
#01r 1dummy.sys oldmouse
#01r 1plane.sys accelerate ------x
#01r 1plane.sys accelerate xxxxxxx
#01r 4plane.sys oldmouse accelerate xxxxxxx
#01r 4plane.sys accelerate xxxx-x
#01r 16bit.sys shadow oldmouse accelerate xxxxxx-
#01r 16bit.sys shadow oldmouse accelerate xxxxxx-
#01r rage.sys pcibios screencache mode key accelerate xxxxxxx
#01r rage.sys 4mb oldinit mode 1024x768x16@70 accelerate xxxxxxx
#01r rage.sys pcibios 4mb oldinit mode 1024x768x16@70 accelerate xxxxxxx
#01r vgraph.sys
#s 8X16SYS.FNT
s ISO2A-16.FNT

#02r 4plane.sys
#s 8X16SYS.FNT
#s ISO2A-16.FNT
#s ISO2A-8.FNT
#s ISO2A-6.FNT