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Re: [MiNT] Protected task bar area

On Sat, 2011-01-15 at 13:14 +0000, Peter Slegg wrote:

> As you can see from the screen-shot, the window and the icon are on top
> of Multistrip, IIRC this did not happen with NAES, the bar area was
> protected so the desktop area was limited to the area outside Multistrip.

You remember wrong. This was not possible in N.AES either. IIRC there
was a TSR that hooked into the AES to subtract some pixels from the
height returned by wind_get() on the root window, I could never get it
to work reliably on my Falcon.

However, if XaAES did this it would work pretty similar to how Windows
"protects" its taskbar. As others have pointed out this should be added
as a feature request in the bugtracker.

Jo Even