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[MiNT] Protected task bar area

> hmm, what is it you are trying to do. It sound like you are wanting
> something like the noleft setting used in APP_OPTIONS declarations,
> but for the bottom of the screen.
> Why not just set the apps you dont want hidden to inhibit_hide=true
> for each app. with APP_OPTIONS declarations.
> something like no bottom would make the desktop more unusable,
> especially on 640x480 screen sizes, but may be nice on 1600x1280 or
> 1800x1440, etc
> Paul

As you can see from the screen-shot, the window and the icon are on top
of Multistrip, IIRC this did not happen with NAES, the bar area was
protected so the desktop area was limited to the area outside Multistrip.

I think that same was also true if Multistrip was placed at the side of the

640x480 ! In that case I am sure people would set the bar to hide itself to
free up desk space.


PS I changed the subject title.

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