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Re: [MiNT] Fxattr giving wrong date values (was Re: zDesk desktop sources available)

On Sun, 2011-01-09 at 20:46 +0100, Vincent Rivière wrote:

> Here is a similar situation.
> When copying files using MS Windows explorer, on the new file we have:
> - creation time = time of the creation of the copy = now
> - modification time = modification time of the contents = modification time 
> of the source file = old time
> So every time you copy a file using that tool, you have "creation time" > 
> "last modification time".

You're right - Teradesk does the same... So this could indeed be the
reason why I see this "swapped" dates on backuped files. I did a simple
test right now:

1. Copied a file between two FAT-partitions with Teradesk -> new
creation time, unchanged modification time.
2. Opened the copied file in qed and saved it again -> unchanged
creation time, new modification time.

I find this behaviour to be illogical, but probably correct. My
assumption that modification time = creation time when copying a file is
most likely wrong.

To me it looks like Fxattr is returning the correct timestampt, i.e. no
swapping takes place. I'm curious about Zorro's problem with Fxattr.

Jo Even