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Re: [MiNT] Mixing binary code for different machine... is it ok?

Am Donnerstag, den 10.06.2010, 10:27 +0200 schrieb Vincent Rivière
> Miro Kropacek wrote:
>> Isn't simpler to use default m68k build for netsurf and tweak 020+
>> support as the last thing?
> Yes, this is the thing to do.
> Build a working 68000 binary, then compile it for advanced processors 
> after fixing additional compilation issues.

I figured out that I already got into this trouble.
Netsurf needs 68020 target, because it needs the SSL library. At least it
needs curl which needs to be compiled with SSL. 
It seems that most of the libs can be compiled as 68020 or can be
installed for that architecture. 

But there is one thing missing... the zlib. Good to know that Keith
provided an src rpm. I will try to compile it as 68020.