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Re: [MiNT] Stack alignment (was Re: libgem16: vs_color)

Am 19.01.2010, 13:58 Uhr, schrieb Vincent Rivière <vincent.riviere@freesbee.fr>:

Very bad, MiNT should check the stack is a multiple of 4 (or at least even) before entering XaAES.
However I don't know how the stack of the modules is handled inside MiNT.

I hope this has been cleanly fixed in the recent FreeMiNT versions, and that it does not work by chance.

I just compiled MiNT from current cvs with gcc 2.95.3, and stack in XaAES is word-aligned. So it's not sure if this is intentional. But I think Alan fixed MiNT for ST and on ST odd stack would crash as you say.

I had to do quite some changes to get it compiled at all.

Helmut Karlowski