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Re: [MiNT] libgem16: vs_color

Am 18.01.2010, 21:08 Uhr, schrieb Vincent Rivière <vincent.riviere@freesbee.fr>:

Helmut Karlowski wrote:
How are pointers represented in aranym? I write the pointers in vs_color
into a file and get:

vs_color: 0/ 0/1000,vdi_intin=4EB850B(1),ptr=4EB850B/4EB850D/4EB8507/0
control=4EB8527(1)4EB8527/4EB8527 rgb=4F2CB34 vdi_params=4EB8513

This could not be more strange...
Please post your modified source to see how you did your traces.

As I said: It's all inside XaAES - no lib involved.

It's a little confusing, I just want to see everything.

#define STATIC_

vs_color (short handle, short index, short rgb[])
  STATIC_ short vdi_intin[4];// = {0,0,0,0};
  STATIC_ short vdi_control[VDI_CNTRLMAX+1];// = {0};
  short *ptr;

  VDI_PARAMS( vdi_control, vdi_intin, 0L, vdi_dummy, vdi_dummy );

  ptr = vdi_intin;
control=%8lx(%lx)%8lx/%8lx rgb=%8lx vdi_params=%8lx",
rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2], vdi_intin, (long)vdi_intin & (long)1, ptr, ptr+1, &ptr, *ptr, vdi_params.control, (long)vdi_params.control & (long)1, vdi_control, &vdi_control,
    rgb, &vdi_params));


How could we reproduce your problem ?

I tried a simple prog to simulate this, but I have no libc16, and the normal one had even pointers.

Helmut Karlowski