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[MiNT] __Unwind_Resume
I wanted to try to recompile also zView and it went quite nice. However, in the final stage, by linking, I got this:
pdf/pdflib.o:pdf/pdflib.o:(.text+0x3e8): undefined reference to `__Unwind_Resume'
pdf/pdflib.o:pdf/pdflib.o:(.text+0x52c): undefined reference to `__Unwind_Resume'
pdf/pdflib.o:pdf/pdflib.o:(.text+0xd14): undefined reference to `__Unwind_Resume'
pdf/pdflib.o:pdf/pdflib.o:(.data+0x192): undefined reference to `___gxx_personality_v0'
After some googling it seems like error when gcc is used to link C++ code instead of g++. But -- I do link with g++! So I tried to search for this symbol and guess what -- t's nowhere. It's declared in gcc's unwind.h but I would expect to find it in libgcc or libstdc++ ? Vincent do you think it could get disabled by some part of your patch or some ./configure option?
MiKRO / Mystic Bytes