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Re: [MiNT] Greek keyboard table

2009/12/14 Paul Wratt <paul.wratt@gmail.com>
On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 7:37 AM, Christos Tziotzis <ctziotzis@gmail.com> wrote:
> ..... I am afraid though that for the time being I have limited access to
> a pc, and even more limited in the sense that I can't load afros. So, if
> you'd like to test it..
> Christos.

sure, send it over, I give it a whirl. I also think the TTF fonts with
AFROS have full (extended) european character support, so I can check
that too..

send me some links, and maybe a text doc that I can also test...

Hi all
I am uploading the kbd table so it can be submitted to the CVS.
Paul, like I said you'll need fonts that are compatible with cp737. I can provide you with a link of a greek language pack I've made either personally or to the list in general if that's ok.

Attachment: GREEK.TBL
Description: Binary data