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Re: [MiNT] Missing clobbered register in gemlib

Alan Hourihane wrote:
Committed to CVS. Thanks Vincent !

Alan, you have committed the whole patch from my website.
It contained the ColdFire and 68020 support (affects only the makefiles),
the fix for the clobber list (good), but also a very personal change about "make install". I forgot that last one, and it has broken the compatibility.

Here is the offending section:

+++ gemlib-0.43.6-patch-20091210/gemlib/Makefile 2009-12-10 15:55:57.203125000 +0100
@@ -121,8 +127,15 @@
 #	$(MOVEIFCHANGE) $(srcdir)/mt_gem.tmp $(srcdir)/mt_gem.h

-	install -m 644 libgem.a $(PREFIX)/lib
-	install -m 644 libgem16.a $(PREFIX)/lib
+	install -m 755 -d $(PREFIX)/lib
+	install -m 644 libgem.a $(PREFIX)/lib/libgem.a
+	install -m 755 -d $(PREFIX)/lib/mshort
+	install -m 644 libgem16.a $(PREFIX)/lib/mshort/libgem.a
+	install -m 755 -d $(PREFIX)/lib/m68020-60
+	install -m 644 libgem020.a $(PREFIX)/lib/m68020-60/libgem.a
+	install -m 755 -d $(PREFIX)/lib/m5475
+	install -m 644 libgemv4e.a $(PREFIX)/lib/m5475/libgem.a
+	install -m 755 -d $(PREFIX)/include
 	install -m 644 gem.h $(PREFIX)/include
 	install -m 644 gemx.h $(PREFIX)/include
 	install -m 644 mt_gem.h $(PREFIX)/include

Basically, I removed the libgem16.a file, and instead I put it into the standard GCC place mshort/libgem.a Thus we just have to use -lgem, and GCC picks up the right one according to the CPU and mshort options. This is the standard GCC way to do, but it is incompatible with all the makefiles using -lgem16.

I planned to keep that changes, and to add a symlink like this:
libgem16.a -> mshort/libgem.a

Thus we get both the standard GCC behaviour, and the traditional -lgem16.

What do you think ?

Vincent Rivière