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Re: [MiNT] Mintlib: Bindings for EsetShift() and VsetMask()

Peter Persson wrote:
Basically all I want to do is add it to falcon.h and osbind.h. It's a
matter of adding like 4 lines of code in these header files. Since I
don't know the procedures involved to get these things into the CVS, I
popped the question on this list. I don't think there is any profiling
needed. These calls are available on the Falcon (hence they should be in
falcon.h), and possible on the Milan as well.

To provide a patch:

1) Write a short and precise CVS description for your change.

2) Be sure every modified character in your changes are related to the goal described previously. Check the tab settings are correct. Check your changed files use UNIX line endings (not TOS/Windows).

3) Use "diff -aurN original_dir modified_dir >yourpatch.patch". If your change affects only one file, you can probably diff only these files (but the patch file will not include the file path).

4) Check again your patch file. Some text editors can colorize them to ease reading.

5) Post a message to this list containing the CVS description and the patch as attached file.

6) Specialists will review and validate the patch.

7) One of our maintainers (Frank or Alan) will commit it with the description you provided.

8) Be proud to have participated to improve a Free project for the benefit of the whole community.

It seems complicated at first, but it is not.
This is the standard process for all the Free projects.

Vincent Rivière