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Re: [MiNT] Python modules

On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Miro Kropacek <miro.kropacek@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, CMake 2.8, SCons 1.2.0 and Python 2.6.4 are available to download from
> my website. I added some archive with needed changes, if you want to compile
> it by yourself, not very clean/professional, though.
> Python contains most of the modules, I disabled stuff like openssl,
> readline, multimedia stuff and platform-specific things.
> --
> MiKRO / Mystic Bytes
> http://mikro.atari.org

Thanks dude, this is very cool, more possibilities..

BTW, I am trying to compile as many extras as possible off the net
ready for the up coming point release of MiNT, for CD recording, and
depending on how it goes, gcc 4.43 build with -O3

Anyone else that has any other packages or ports "hidden away", could
you please put up a link somewhere or tell us about them, even if its
temporary only, I can find a place for it somewhere more permanent. I
will be repackaging any required for EasyMiNT and SpareMiNT use (ie.
as RPM's and SRPM's). If you have source patches this would be even

I have some slightly updated versions to be ported, of those packages
currently in SpareMiNT, and I would also like to offer a source build
option in some way, one that can do a "canadian compile/build", and
one that works for cross compiling for the same target. This is not
that useful at the moment because most targets are catered for
already, but it may be possible for use on "other systems", what ever
they may be..
