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Re: [MiNT] Mintlib: VcheckMode() and Srealloc()

On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Peter Persson <pep.fishmoose@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> The function VcheckMode() isn't documented, but it's used by XaAES (k_init.c) and the TOS desktop.
> Srealloc() isn't documented either, but it is used by the Falcon TOS to re-allocate video RAM (I think it's used by Vsetscreen()).
> Maybe I've missed it somehow - but it seems there are no bindings for these calls in osbind.h or falcon.h.
> Again, I don't know how to add this myself, but it could be useful.
> -- PeP

first, have you tried ALL the doc source, it may also be undocumented
somewhere, as it were

To add it, start with a call you do know, and reference that, you can
always do a little test prog to check it is functioning

If you can find them used, then you can "devine" what they pass, and
what they return, which should help when referencing the known call,
and creating the entry..

I think Ozk tried a couple of different VcheckMode() variations when
trying for Milan S3, RageII, and Falcon compatible rez changing
