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Re: [MiNT] XaAES: testdriver wanted

On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 3:17 AM, Helmut Karlowski
<helmut.karlowski@ish.de> wrote:
> Am 11.12.2009, 17:07 Uhr, schrieb Helmut Karlowski
> <helmut.karlowski@ish.de>:
>>> I cannot supply screen shots of "a jerky movement when dragging
>>> ScrollList vertical scrollbars".
>>> when the mouse is used to drag the vertical scroll slider down, the
>>> slider first moves and is drawn correctly, then it "jumps" back up a
>>> distance (being redrawn), before finally being redrawn in the correct
>>> position again. I sounds similar to the "resize using top of
>>> FileSelector" described above..
>> I don't have this. You could try a screenshot from the aranym-menu (I
>> assume this is on aranym?)
> Now I think I know what you mean: The up-move is blitted, while the
> down-move is redrawn and the scrollbar "jumps". Not really nice, but it
> works. I'll introduce the blitting later again.
> That cannot be screenshot, I agree!
> -Helmut
The initial post, basically everything in Comments; was "aesthetics",
visual stuff, which I wasn't expecting replys to, let alone fixes

As for the Resource File, I no not mind "fixing this up", I have been
meaning to do something with the TeraDesk one too..

The Load meter, left half you say, I will double check, but I think
the button set will fit to the right (at bottom), but that means they
have to "slide right" when resized..

By the way I found a hidden game in the Taskmanager, the keys are
"CTRL-ALT-F" and the aim is to try to get the first black bar all the
way to the top


I am very good at this game

