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[MiNT] Font selector Library and redraw messages

> For example, without the call to EVNT_multi() as described above, the
> window handle created by fonts_open() does not seem to be taken into
> account by my own evnt_multi() loop. I really don't get that Wdialog
> stuff.

8.20.14  Font selector in a window

 Program start:              fnts_create()
 Calling the font selector:  fnts_open()
 Event loop:                 EVNT_multi()
                             (depending on the status of the 
 Closing the font selector:  fnts_close()
 Programm end:               fnts_delete()

For fnts_create is the following importen:
Note: The font selector alters the attributes of the workstation described by
vdi_handle. If one wants to use the workstation passed with fnts_create() also
for other purposes, the attributes have to be set first each time, as they may
have been altered meantime by the font selector.

So the best way is to open a workstation only for the font selector.
