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Re: [MiNT] Re[3]: usage of wind_calc()

Do you understand that your request is utopistic?

How do you explain that big coorporations and thousands of developers are not able to create the thing you wish? and consider that their customers are MUCH more important than the Atari user base (money wise). They get PISSED everytime they have to upgrade, for every upgrade (as tiny as it is), they have to test it for months to make sure it is not going to break something else. The testing phase cost them MUCHO money everytime.
Show me an OS in the world that fulfill your requirements.

Evan Langlois <Evan@CoolRunningConcepts.com> wrote:
On Thu, 2005-07-14 at 20:28 +0200, YesCREW wrote:
> Imho all the fuzz is funny. XaAES is and can introduce new things. Thats
> good! There are other AESes, other OSes and things called boot selectors ;)
> So i really dont understand all the fuss. Thats dumb user view here. Apreciate
> new stuff happening, altough im still on N.AES personaly....

I refuse to use a system that expects me to reboot and choose a
different OS to run a different application. That simply isn't
something that a well designed system does.

If 1 AES, and 1 OS could run ALL your applications and you didn't need a
bootselector, then that would be the proper goal right? So why haven't
you switched to XaAES yet?

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