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Re: [MiNT] Re[3]: usage of wind_calc()

On Wed, 2005-07-13 at 22:55 +0200, Zorro wrote:
> Or maybe do you want to obligate MyAES to follow the Xaaes' specifications?

Sure, why not?

> Currently, the MiNT kernel has nothing better that the MagiC one( Maybe 
> the ext2/Minix partition support?.. nothing important for the final user).

Operating system kernels are not supposed to provide user features.
They provide features for developers.  The problem is that no one takes
advantage of MiNT features so they can be MagiC compatible.  I don't see
MagiC providing anything special for the user.  Prettier GUI interfaces
will be implemented in XaAES soon, and as for desktops, you have a
choice, but a real MiNT-aware desktop would be a huge bonus.  I'm just
not ready to work on that yet.

> When the freemint kernel will offer a *good* memory protection, virtual 
> memory and ELF external libraries/binaries, the users will "switch" 
> automatically.

And MagiC offers better memory protection, virtual memory, and ELF
libraries?  MiNT has the ability to do that in the future, but only if
people don't start up with "ELF dynamically loaded libraries won't work
on MagiC"

I'm amazed that we can't innovate the OS because we have to remain MagiC
compatible, but yet, we have to support MagiC users because they won't
switch, and they won't switch because we don't have all these new
features that MagiC doesn't have.   Bad logic combined with circular