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[MiNT] MiNT Compilation Trouble


I thought I had it all done and ready.  Copied mintara.prg and new xaaes
files into my aranym hard disk image, and told it to reboot.  MiNT
starts, loads some file system drivers (although I tried to tell it not
to load any XDD, XFS or AUTO folder programs once this failed once, and
it still did it), and when it gets to "Loading keyboard table" an
assertion of "pointer" fails it panics.  At that point aranym locks me
up and forcing aranym to die doesn't give me back my mouse so I couldn't
just cut-n-paste the error.  I'm working on that one.

Any idea why the keyboard table thing fails or how I could fix it?  Does
MiNT really hate newer GCCs so bad that it somehow screwed up some
keyboard table loading function?   I'll have more specifics later.

-- Evan