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[MiNT] SSHD problems

Hello Folks,

I have some small problems with setting up the sshd
and i can't seem to locate the source of port 111 and
515 ...

first of all sshd works (kinda) but it complaints:
Apr 17 23:52:44 NUTS-TT sshd[35]: error: select: file not found

what can't it find here? and why?

why can't sshd use bash instead of screen? i don't
have screen installed on my mint setup...

and i have been trying to shutdown port 111 and 515
but i can't seem to manage that... this is what a
linux port scanner said about my system:

<jaz_> Starting nmap V. 2.30BETA20 by fyodor@insecure.org ( www.insecure.org/nmap/ )
<jaz_> Host 24dyn73.utr.casema.net ( appears to be up ... good.
<jaz_> Initiating TCP connect() scan against 24dyn73.utr.casema.net (
<jaz_> Initiating TCP connect() scan against 24dyn73.utr.casema.net (
<jaz_> Adding TCP port 515 (state open).
<jaz_> Adding TCP port 21 (state open).
<jaz_> Adding TCP port 111 (state open).
<jaz_> Adding TCP port 22 (state open).
<jaz_> Adding TCP port 23 (state open).
<jaz_> The TCP connect scan took 47 seconds to scan 1518 ports.
<jaz_> Interesting ports on 24dyn73.utr.casema.net (
<jaz_> 21/tcp     open        ftp
<jaz_> 22/tcp     open        ssh
<jaz_> 23/tcp     open        telnet
<jaz_> 111/tcp    open        sunrpc
<jaz_> 515/tcp    open        printer

Thanks to my irc buddy jaz :)

as you can see the ssh port working, but i want to lose the sunrpc and printer
ports too... how do i do this?



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