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Re: [MiNT] SSHD problems


On Tue, Apr 18, 2000 at 02:38:22AM +0200, Barry Schut wrote:
> first of all sshd works (kinda) but it complaints:
> Apr 17 23:52:44 NUTS-TT sshd[35]: error: select: file not found
> what can't it find here? and why?

You should never take "file not found" (or "No such file or
directory" with new MiNTLibs) too serious.  It is more or less equivalent
to "generic error with file operation".  Besides, ENOENT is not a defined
error condition for the select system call.

If you have a debug kernel you should increase the debug level with
CTRL-ALT-F1 and see what the kernel says.  If that doesn't help or work
you have find out yourself where and why the call fails.  I would guess
that the fd_set contains an invalid file descriptor.  As far as I remember
the client can request creation of a pseudo-tty and MiNT has only crude
support for those.  Maybe this leads you in the right
direction.  Remember, the pseudo-ttys in /dev are actually symbolic links
into /pipe.  If the pipe gets closed for some reason the symbolic link in
/dev persists.  Maybe the kernel reacts to such an unexpected condition
with an ENOENT (the MiNTLib should translate that into EBADF).


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