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Re: [MiNT] gcc egcs to compile ttydev?

On Sat, 15 May 1999, kellis wrote:
> Can't even compile latest cab.ovl.

Whoa... now, _that_ is a problem.  If existing packages cannot 
compile using recent libs, we are in _deep_ shit.

I wonder what went wrong in those libs, as several packages found 
in KGMD won't compile into usable binaries if I use anything newer 
than PL-46 libs. 

For a while, I thought it only happened to me, but it seems not.

Martin-Eric Racine        http://www.pp.fishpool.fi/~q-funk/M-E/
The Atari TT030 Homepage       http://funkyware.atari.org/TT030/
Intellitel Communications  www.intellitel.com  +358 (5) 624 3283