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Ssystem bug

I take the blame on me...

There's a bug in mkbuild.c that produces a bogus build.h.  This 
bug results in a bug of Ssystem (only for version 1.14.7):

	Day of week | 1.14.7 | else (correct)
	Monday      | 1      | 1
	...         | ...    | ...
	Saturday    | 6      | 6
	Sunday      | 0 (!)  | 7
	Month       | 1.14.7 | else (correct)
	January     | 0      | 1
	February    | 1      | 2
	...         | ...    | ...
	November    | 10     | 11
	December    | 11     | 12

Library bindings and other implementations should check the
MiNT version especially if the values found are used as indexes
into arrays.

