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Re: Checking for keys (Re: FIXED IT!)

> Btw. which is the 'best' blanker for MiNT & vconsoles? Why X-kbd
> disables vconsole shortcuts? And does anybody of you got reasonably
> portably unixy code for checking for a key, without stopping to wait
> for it?

I thought that's what the FIONREAD ioctl is for. (At least under BSD
systems, don't know for sure for System V).


Wolfgang Lux
WZH Heidelberg, IBM Germany             Internet: lux@heidelbg.ibm.com
+49-6221-59-4546                        VNET:     LUX at HEIDELBG
+49-6221-59-3200 (fax)	                EARN:     LUX at DHDIBMIP