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Re: need help with merging in 1.12

In message "need help with merging in 1.12", bjarne@GOEDEL.UNI-MUENSTER.de writes:

> |>Hi,
> |>
> |>I'm currently in the process of merging MiNT 1.12 into the main trunk
> |>of my MiNT repository, and I could need some help.
> |>
> |>Could someone review the differences below (after my .signature)?  I
> |>don't understand them and don't know whether they should be included
> |>in a merged version.
< [...]
> This `patch' seemed to be the reason why I could just log in once on
> /dev/console - afterwards the getty-process was always stopped.
> I changed the #if 0 into #if 1 and everything works fine again.
> Bjarne

Yes, I have that problem now, too.  I can log into the console the first time,
but if I exit back to the login: prompt, the machine is locked and I have to
reboot to be able to log in again.

I hope this is fixed soon. 

                                Troy Carpenter
                            Bell-Northern Research
                               Atlanta, Georgia

"You're so open minded that your brain leaked out" - Steve Taylor

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