[Freemint-list] Driver for USB Interface

Ingo Uhlemann tuxie at newtosworld.de
Sat May 6 13:27:01 MSD 2017


Maybe someone know that I am working on a USB Interface for the Atari TT (VME Based).Few months ago i did some tests with a wired NetUSBee board directly to the VME Interface, I had success to talk to the interface with basic code. Know I made the first prototype board and in the next few days I should receive it.

Now my question, would be someone help me to adapt the driver for this board ? 

This board is memory mapped and uses the ISP1160 Chip like on the NetUSBee and also the EtherNAT

We patched the existing driver for the Mouse on Tos but still without success because the hard wired NetUSBee board was not working correctly (maybe the Chips was damaged) but we got Informations from the connected USB Interface, 

So we need a programer who could help us?

Cheers Ingo

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