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[MiNT] EmuTOS 0.9.5

Dear FreeMiNT users,

EmuTOS 0.9.5 has been released.

The main features are:
- AES/BIOS: implement critical error handler
- BDOS: implement Pexec mode 7
- BIOS: add alt-arrow support (mouse actions via keyboard)
- BIOS: add dual keyboard support (for Greek/Russian keyboards)
- BIOS: allow user to specify boot partition at startup
- BIOS: allow EmuTOS to recover from program exceptions in user programs
- BIOS: auto-detect multiple IDE interfaces
- EmuDesk: improve text object alignment for translated strings
- VDI: add line-A flood fill; all line-A opcodes are now supported

You can download your preferred binary archive there:


Roger Burrows