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Re: [MiNT] Appl_search cannot return APP_SHELL

Am 26.12.2014 um 08:42 schrieb WongCK:

> BTW, XASYS is stype 0x20 ??? which the I cannot find what it means.

#define APP_AESTHREAD		0x20

In the mt_gem.h from FreeMiNT. Odd Skancke add this 19.11.2005 without a comment. Maybe this came because X.AES is kernal modul.

The question is how do you find the desktop? With MagiC Jinnee is APP_APPLICATION. If I installed MagXDesk it has APP_SHELL. I'm afraid you must make a list with all desktop and search per appl_find. I don't test if appl_find("        ") find all desktops.
