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Re: [MiNT] Netsurf and profiling its performance

On 18 April 2013 13:21, Ole <ole@monochrom.net> wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, den 18.04.2013, 11:57 +0200 schrieb "J. F. Lemaire"
> <jflemaire@skynet.be>:
>> I can't back up what I'm about to say with anything helpful right now
>> but quite often I'm under the impression that NetSurf redraws the same
>> rectangle several times. For example, when the download dialog is
>> displayed. I'll try to find some time to work out a test case.

> I'm more interested in the performance when doing: redraws / resizing and
> converting bitmaps / freeing up
> graphics memory / polling the AES.

That's what I'm talking about. I didn't explain myself clearly. I'm
talking about the redrawing around the download dialog of the web page
below it. But this was just an example. My impression is that NetSurf
often spends time redrawing a workarea rectangle (or a specific
portion of the webpage) that doesn't need to be redrawn at all, or has
already been drawn.

I'll definitely try to pinpoint a specific example. That would
certainly be more helpful.

Jean-François Lemaire