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Re: [MiNT] opkg / coldmint

>  Am Freitag, den 15.02.2013, 14:19 +0100 schrieb "M.A. Kehr"
>  <makehr@ndh.net>:
>> Litlle question between, why yet another packaging system? There is
>> now gentoo, rpm, deb and now opkg? Are there so many atari users out
>> there, that we can afford four different package systems?
>  This is about personal taste, and in the end the user takes the best
>  choice for him.
>  Also the developer takes what he finds to be the best for him...
>  If both tastes meet each other, than the seed for something successfull
>  is planted.

Of course it is good that things can be done by personal taste. But
sometimes I am wondering why it seems to be that complicated to agree upon
(some) directions to go. Wouldn´t it be wise to discuss it, and pic one or
two possibilities together, with the aim to follow it the next decade? So
the remaining forces could be clustered, and developers could support each
other in better ways?

If I understood the issue correctly, Easy MiNT will become very hard now,
as packages for another packaging system are not done anymore. So why not
working together and reaching more collective? Thats no offence against