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Re: [MiNT] Stairs effect on MiNT console

On Fri, 2013-01-11 at 00:54 +0100, Vincent Rivière wrote:

> 7) I don't understand why XaAES needs to hack the RAW/COOKED mode of the 
> BIOS console. This looks very wrong, since XaAES is supposed to do all its 
> I/O through the VDI.

The problem occured when XaAES was started by init, but not when started
from mint.cnf (GEM= or INIT=).

> 9) The original issue was about ^S causing trouble to TaskBar, because it 
> had a lot of debug text going to the console. So it interfered with the 
> stop/start output mechanism. The solution was to put the BIOS console in RAW 

Yes, the problem was that Ctrl+S/Q would stop/continue the process that
did the latest output to the console. It was not limited to Taskbar, I
just happened to notice it with Taskbar because I had a lot of debug
tracing printout to the console when I was developing it.

> 10) And finally, due to the complexity of that stuff, I wonder if it is sane 
> to change anything before the 1.18 release.

I don't think so. I think the BIOS console should be left as RAW to not
confuse TOS stuff. It's probably better to let TosWin add the carriage
return when LF is issued, like Helmut suggested a little while ago.

Jo Even