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Re: [MiNT] Fwd: gradients,FreeMiNT 1.18

Am 31.07.2011, 07:51 Uhr, schrieb Paul Wratt <paul.wratt@gmail.com>:

the real reason for keeping C source files, especially as user
modifiable gradient definition, is that XaAES is compiled with a

No - the reason is actually laziness and simplicity. I don't think users would create more gradients if it would not require a compiler.

default one, so simply by swapping/renaming you can build XaAES with a
custom default gradient set.

Why would you need this?

By including the GRD files at build time (release, daily builds, etc)
I meant the object files, created from any gradient source present..

The grd-files go into the build, the c-files into the source-tree.

As for binary forms of structs, it would be possible to load a new
block of binary over one currently in memory, but only if the maximum

That's how it's implemented already!

So I am say it would be possible to do a direct memory replacement of
those structs in the XaAES binary, but only under specific conditions

Why would you need this?

btw I have plains for another algorithm, more when I have it on paper

That's why it is better to keep things simple - the gradient-stuff will likely be extended.

can you add 0 border on all objects (currently only window), ie no box
outline definitions, at least for window widgets, slidebars, etc

Will look.

Your work with gradients can be applied to image textures too
(especially if IMG folder can be defined in .cnf)

This is a different story - I've not looked at the textures (not even all gradient-stuff).

Helmut Karlowski