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Re: [MiNT] Where should a user put GEM apps

Am 10.01.2011, 10:24 Uhr, schrieb David Gálvez <dgalvez75@gmail.com>:

Imagine the very optimistic situation where we have a distribution
like EasyMiNT, that apart from installing MiNT + XaAES, installs open
source desktop, and a group of open source GEM appiications (NetSurf,
zView, GEM front ends for UNIX tools, etc, etc), they are tested to
work properly in a ext2 partition and they are distributed and
installed in the distribution as rpm packages. Where should be this
application installed inside the sparemint directory tree?

E.g. /usr/gem/zView/

Then provide a symlink to launchpath which can be contained in a tar (or maybe rpm). Done.

These apps will more often be called from a desktop or XaAES than from cli. The path they are linked to could be part of of $PATH to be able to call them from cli too, but this would currently not work anyway.

Helmut Karlowski